Monday, April 12, 2010

H rode a horse!!

Henry rode a horse.

Wow. That one just needs to sink in a minute.

I was so proud of my boy. Here is how it went down. Friday was Cowboy day. I'm not sure I've ever seen a cuter cowboy than he was. SP got crafty and made JP some chaps. So I followed suit and did the same. Oh they were adorable. Too bad I left my camera at home. Pictures will come around as soon as Dana gets around to it. So we got to school. Played wonderful cowboy games including a pony race (on a broomstick pony), pony lassoing (hollahoops tied to a rope to toss over a chair with a pony on it), s'mores and a story around a campfire. I mean, that would have been enough. But all morning, we had a glorious view of the K5 kids riding ponies in a circle out the window. And then came our turn. Oh I was hoping he would do it. His teacher, who is amazing, offered to put him on. J and I were close by but not involved. She put him on that pony, the lead pony, "Lightening." He wasn't named for his speed though, I'm sure. H's face almost wrinkled into tears the first circle, but after some cheers from us, he setteled in to a look of mild fear. Suddenly I thought, Ek can't miss this!! I looked at my watch and she was 5 minutes from going to the lunch room, so I took off to her classroom and hollered her name, didn't even explain to her teacher and we were out the door of the building before her best friend C realized she had followed us at top speed as well. It was well worth it, H's face competley lit up when he saw her. Ek was so pleased and excited for him. He had his full turn and was cautiouly proud of himself. Much later in the day, he declared it was so great. Wow, H rode a horse. Didn't think I would say that of my boy. So proud of him. Can't wait to see the pictures.

1 comment:

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Thank you so very much for your prayers for me.