Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Amazing day

It really was an amazing day. So wonderful to celebrate sweet wonderful D's 3rd birthday. Oh, I loved getting to be a part of it!!!!! So wonderful to see M's sweet parents and sister and fam. And my fam- hello! So amazing to see my kids so happy to see their cousins, maybe close to as happy as I was to see them and not quite as happy as I was to see B & M. Don't even get me started on how beautiful the weather was, or the scenery. We were all in such a content, peaceful, happy mood. I'll let the pictures tell the rest.

Boys playing- happy- together! Great game for them- ball for H, target practice for W's chops and kicks!!
So glad I managed to get a picture of 2 of my children touching an animal- this is rare indeed!

Their faces say "The sun is too bright to look at you while smiling, but deep down we are-- we have cupcakes!!-- D's birthday cupcakes!!"
blowing out his candles. Sorry to miss the candle but so happy to get the sweet face~
I think he liked his cupcake.

Mom was still laughing over the great bunny chase of the day, in good company.

a bunch of basket heads waiting to fill them.

My favorite thing about L hunting eggs was how much she enjoyed wearing her perfectly picked basket on her arm, adorable.
sweet girl.
I would love to know what H was saying to D here, I think he was being silly, although the pic looks like he is screaming and mad, I do not think he is because D looks so pleased, so really, H- what were you doing? I'll ask and report back if her remembers.
Wow- these were 5 happy and yet very uncooperative cousins. Really, not one picture of them smiling at, or near, the camera in the whole lot. So here we have documented that 1. they were together. 2. they had just hunted eggs. 3. d and L have on interesting shoes. 4. the older 3 must enjoy each other because they so quickly devised a game that left the rest of us out. 5. there were bunnies. 6. it was a beautiful day. 7. we really like them a lot, enough try to line them up for one, just one, adorable picture of the 5 of them worthy to be put in a frame or maybe even a photo puzzle. sigh. maybe next time.

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