Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday night

Hey Babe!
Amazing to hear from you! So grateful to the Lord for the technology to know you are great. I can hear your excitement and so grateful you are in the Lord's will.
We have had great day. Bible study was a great wrap up of our study. Trusting in the Hope of our Lord. Of course, Christ is our Hope. We we have that anchor for our souls, our minds and hearts are filled with peace. It has sure been true of me while you have been gone.
H and I snuggled and watched a movie during nap time after i picked some more squash and made another casserole. If I am a bit yellow when you come home, its not my liver, its my wonderful squash!! After school, Tara kept the kids for an hour while Ronda and I went and swam in the pond. We swam the to one end, turned swam to the other end, swam to the dock, got out, ran up the hill, ran back down and jumped back in, and did it again. We did it 3 times and it took us about 45 minutes. Beautiful day in the pond, we swam with one duck and again saw no other animals- wa-hoo! I got back to Tara's and she wanted to go to the store to get a few more things for dinner, I didn't let her, I brought over some squash, potatoes, peas, and fruit and we had a feast-- half of her meal and half of mine. Mike ate like you- his second plate was as big as his first! We came home and put our sweeties to bed. I'm about ready too! but I will stay awake a while and pray for you...
I love you,
Hurry home to us when your work is done,

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