Friday, May 21, 2010

Smart big little L

L had her last day of 2 year old preschool this week. She had a really great time in her class this year. Her teacher was so amazing. They did crafts everyday, learned a Bible truth every week and learned 10 Bible verses. I have not actually heard L say these verses, but I'm sure they are in there! She seemed to really get to know and like several little girls in her class especially Sara, Allie and Kensley. Sara will actually go to big school with her one day! This last week my little big girl decided she was big enough to walk into school all by herself, she would tell me to drop her off. Not exactly my favorite moment, but so proud that she wanted to be big. I remember how the year began with her asking at T where her class was. Her teachers were so surprised how well she talked and so delighted to see her little self potty train last fall. Her teacher said again when I picked her up the last day that you would never know she was the youngest in the room and said she was delightful. I think so too.

And this week, she made and identified an 'L.' She ate it right out of her toast.

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