Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday night

John is off to Haiti, here is the update from us...

Saturday night--
Hey Honey,
I was remembering that the last time you were in Haiti you had internet access, so here's to hoping you do this time when you get there. When you left, L was a bit confused and sad. She didn't let me put her down for like an hour- didn't eat a bite of her supper. 'Where's Daddy going?' she asked. I told her you were going to take care of eyes for people who needed him. But we sat in the grass and prayed for you as soon as you were out of sight. We went in and fixed hamburgers and chips and pineapple and jello- quite a feast. We were off to the bathtub. Ek and H both helped clean up a bit. L wanted me to hold her in her towel, so we sat with her all snuggled up in her towel and read a few books. I took the kids to bed at like 7:30- I knew they were so tired. They went to bed very peacefully and I reminded them as I walked down the steps to pray for you. Ek said she would pray for you Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (at school prayer requests I suppose). I am now tucked into our bed to do a bit of resting.
I am so proud of you John-- that you are leading our family by obeying the Lord. What an amazing example you are giving to all of us. I also think about how beautifully you are using the talents the Lord has given you. Amazing.
Love you, love you, love you.
Wish we could have snuggled a bit today, but I sure enjoyed being with you this morning. The bike ride was really great too. Couldn't have ever done that without you!!
Be careful.
Keep me posted.
Did I tell you I loved you?
I do.
I love you.

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