Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dancing girl

The way I see it is I have 2 options... quit or keep going. I really don't want to quit, so here I go...

Yesterday was Ek's dance recital. I thought she did great. She was a bit dependent on the teacher helpers in the morning dances but the afternoon dances, I thought she did amazing. She said tonight, "I just love to dance mommy." Well, there you have it! I asked her how she thought she danced, she said, "awesome." She also said after her first afternoon dance, "Mommy, I didn't even think I could do it that good!" So grateful that she was pleased with how it came together. She worked very hard at her dance lessons this year and I'm just glad that she enjoyed it, felt good about and wants to keep going.

During the last dance last night, she was standing on a folding chair on the side stage watching. Her face was glowing from the lights on stage and it was very dark where we were standing. She had a glowing grin on her face while she watched and was even imitating what they were doing. She was obvious to anything else around her, she was just in awe of the seniors who were on stage. It was such a joyful sight to see her just enjoying that moment and seeing her look up to those girls who have worked so hard for all these years.

This morning as we were at church, Ek was the only one with me. J was bringing the other two to second service. We were singing about raising our life to the Lord. I was praying for her sweet life that the Lord will bring her to the place of giving her dance to Him and dancing for Him. And just asking for big things for her life. I can't wait to see what it will be.

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