Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ball girl

Who would have thought? Ek loved softball! loved. Not my prediction, but, oh, I was so happy that she did. The first and second grade girls were together. There were 2 teams, so they played each other 10 times. Not one of them complained over that! They seemed to just enjoy being out there together. Ek was a Brave. She had a hard time remembering if she was from Atlanta or Alabama. hahahahaha I loved being out there, at the field, with H on one field, Ek on another and L sticking with me to take it all in. Ek would run out to the field to get just next to the pitcher where she would get a great chance to get a lot of balls. She made amazing progress as the season went on. She progressed from good t hits to hitting the coaches pitches. She had a hard time swinging through with that heavy bat hitting that heavy ball, but she was always grinning on her way to first!

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