Monday, November 9, 2009

Remember to Remember

Last week at Bible study, the Lord confirmed me in keeping this blog. Our speaker really encouraged us to keep a journal of remembrance that we might not forget what God has done in our lives. And although this is largely about my kids growing up, I do not want to forget his work in their lives as well. So after the talk is over, my friend Kathy turned to me. She had a very dramatic dealing with cancer that proved wonderfully successful. She was diagnosed with terminal, inoperatable, and devestating cancer 2 years ago that turned out to be none of those things. She believes with all her heart that God has healed her because he still has purposes for her life. So she turns to me last week in tears and asks me if I remember coming to her house and praying for her that day. Of course I did. She asked me if I remember what she was feeling that day. "Was I fearful?," she said with tears just running down her face. I told her I was, but I didn't remember what she was feeling. She told me she wanted to know so bad because she was just having the hardest time remembering. Now that the trail is over, the details are fuzzy. I told her I would look back at my blog and see what I wrote.

So I emailed her this...Kathy, Wow was I glad God sat us next to each other today. I feel such a connection to you and am always just so grateful to see you and hear your heart. I wish that I remembered more of our prayer time that day,this is what I wrote about it. So grateful the Lord helped me to remember that day as I wrote. Love you Kathy, I pray for you as you prepare and pray for Saturday night that as you said you will be able to speak truth to hearts going through all kinds of things. Can't wait to hear what the Lord says with you.
and had the link to my blog entry which was this...


I had the amazing blessing today of praying for a friend who is battling Cancer. She was told about 12 months ago that she had 6-12 months to live and believes God is sustaining her. She has a rare form of CA and is undergoing treatments in Maryland every several weeks. She is married and has 2 girls. I really don't know her well, I had just run into her around town several times in our time here in Dublin and just always loved seeing her. She is full of joy and peace. I was so shocked last year to know she was sick and have just prayed for her since.

God laid on my heart several weeks ago to call her and, although I put her on my to do list, I didn't call. Last week I felt that to not call was disobedience. I called her last week and scheduled to go see her this morning. This morning early God dropped Mark 5 into my lap. I was so grateful. The story was of the woman who had been bleeding and touched Jesus' cloak and was healed. I'm sorry that needs an exclamation point... and she was healed!!!!! Oh the power of our Savior! Our Creator and Redeemer is mighty to save. Mighty to save us from sin, from sickness and the power of death. She and I read the passage aloud and went to our Father who we know loves us and asked him for healing, for peace, for joy, for truth, for faith, for opportunities, for healing again. We prayed until we didn't want to stop. And we won't. Oh I'm so grateful to be His. And I can't wait to see what will happen in sweet Kathy's life. Oh the victory for Jesus that is being won. Oh the glory that has come to the Father through her life. Life in Jesus is sweet.

And then she replied this...Katharine, Thank you so much for being so faithful! First, for taking the time to research our prayer date, and then for being faithful that day in prayer. How exciting to remember that God had given you a healing scripture over my life one year ago. And now, to see God's faithfulness in responding to that prayer one year later. I have tears of joy streaming down my face, a heart full of thankfulness, and glorified goosebumps! How awesome that Priscilla Shirer spoke specifically today on the importance of keeping a journal to remember God's blessings in our life. And then, as if to nudge the fact home, God sat me beside you and allowed us to recall a moment that you yourself had journaled about one year ago. I see his hand moving today and I love it. It is just another little $500 story I can add to my collection about God manifesting himself to me in such a real way, reminding me "Kathy, I am always at work; with your best interest in mind, and one day, when the time is right, I will reveal to you what that is; but today, I just want you to trust me!" I think I see a little story I can use for my testimony this weekend :).

Thank you so much!
You are a precious friend!
Love, Kathy

She gave her testimony Saturday night and sang with her trio at a women's dinner. She spoke with such confidence in the Lord and such joy to live her life for him. The first song they sang had reference to the woman who reached out and touched Jesus's cloak. She looked me straight in the eye as she sang that song that they sang even before she was sick. What a blessing to see and remember how God works in our lives.

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