Monday, November 9, 2009

Finally Farm Day

Last Friday I was so blessed to accompany my dear H on his first field trip. So exciting. Yes it was the one that had been postponed twice. We were ready. He was so excited to get on that school bus! They have all been gazing at it wondering when it would finally be their day. I love the look on H's face as he boarded. We snuggled in and put on our imaginary seat belt, which did not hold him too well. He sat on the edge of his seat with his little nose an inch away from the window and studied out route like he hadn't been down those roads everyday for 2+ years. We went to a farm very near by that was beautiful. so beautiful. They had goats, sheep, ponies and horses in the fields. There are not many pictures of those moments because the farmer put 2 goats on leashes and let the boys and girls take them around to see the ponies and horses. H did not trust his friends too much, or the goats for that matter, and stayed glued to me- at times in my arms- with is eyes glued on those goats. I was a bit sad he wasn't enjoying his day at the farm too much. Then we went into the barn and visited the lamas, another pony and a donkey. He started warming up. Then we went out behind the barn where she had bunnies and all kinds of birds, and her farm dog was on a leash back there too. He fed the bunnies and several birds and had a great time. He even petted a bunny and almost got the courage to pet the goat. It was so interesting to see all of her exotic birds, I didn't get to hear much about them because H was so busy enjoying them, which I was so happy about. She gave them all a feather that the birds had shed, H got 2 polka dot ones, one for himself and one for Ek. It was truly a delightful field trip. I wish we could go back again this Friday, Ek asked if we could go that afternoon!

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