Sunday, August 23, 2009


I must recount L's preschool orientation...

She continued to ask everyday for about 5 days at TCS 'where my class?' which was just too cute and made me sad-- she is only 2!! So the day had come for orientation, she was so excited. She told J several times and just was acting so big about it. Finally the moment came to leave, she quickly told me to get her backpack and put it in the car. Now she is 2, mind you! So we get there and I go to get her out of the car and she says, 'bye, mommy.' I mean really L, give me a minute to have you as my baby! So I walk her in and the second she gets to her class, finally, she shrugs her little shoulders and tucks her chin in and pokes her lips out and gets nervous. What? So I calmly look around with her, there are about 5 children sitting and coloring, which she didn't want to do. But then all of the sudden it was like she made up her mind that she was ready, she walked over to hand up her backpack, walks over to the table and doesn't look back, I say bye to her and she turns around and says, 'bye, mommy!' and I was on my way. Too much. I go to my meeting and go back to get her about 30 minutes later and the teacher said she did great, that she was just dancing to their little songs and had a ball. Funny little, tiny girl. Her first day is Tuesday, I'll be sure to report full details.

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