Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fence trouble

Good ole H had a great first full week at school. He is doing great appropriate school work, playing hard and having a blast. A little bit of trouble on the playground that we are trying hard to fix. Rocks. H loves to throw. If he can't find a ball, he will find something. He and Will came up with a great game on the playground to throw rocks through a metal crawl-through tube to each other, it was cooperative, it was loud, it was the closest to a ball game they could make. Unfortunately, it was against the rules. rats. on the fence. for timeout. in the very hot sunshine. but his sweet teacher did give them a water break. Next day, H decided to help out, he decided to throw the rocks over the fence so no other boys would throw rocks at each other. Way to go H. Actually, that is against the rules too. back to the fence. in the hot sunshine. sigh. So Saturday, J, the kids and I went to Wal-mart, Hibbet Sports, Hobbs sports, K-mart and Fred's before we found 4 solid four square balls to donate to TCS for the kids to enjoy. And enjoy I hope they do. And I really hope H can stay off the fence tomorrow.

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