Thursday, August 20, 2009


I think we should be careful using the words "always" and "never." It seems in so many instances they should be reserved for the character of God. He never changes. He is always there. H made me giggle yesterday using always, twice. The first was after school. Last week I was lying down L at 12:30 and knew H wasn't quite ready to lay down. I knew if I got him too involved is something downstairs I would have a hard time getting him upstairs, so I had the idea of taking a board game up to his room and playing for a bit there before we read and napped. He was quite excited and we are having a ball. It has been great H time, fun to play with just him and also a great way to enforce some learning from school- numbers, counting, letters, etc. So we have been doing this everyday for a week. Yesterday he said, "mommy, after lunch, lets do what we always do, lets play a game in my room." It doesn't take much to establish a routine. Then yesterday evening we were on his way to his second soccer practice and he said, "mommy, can I drink my Powerade after soccer?" I said I don't know if you will get Powerade this time. he said, "no mommy, we always get Powerade after soccer practice." Wow, that routine was quickly established. Yesterday we had cake for snack, I guess I don't need to be surprised if he requests he snack we always have.

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