Sunday, May 31, 2009

Like father like son

It must be said, and is commonly agreed upon that H is like his father in more ways than one. Their love of sports is at the top of the list. H's new basketball goal is a huge hit among those boys in our home. H gets me though when it is time to stop. He always says, "Mommy, I just need to shoot one more." But the translation is "Mommy, I just need to make one more shot." Since I have realized this, I know he is not disobeying, but boy is it an act of patience. He definitely gets this from J who doesn't just end with making one, but usually something like making 5 in a row. So maybe I should let J tell him to come in and cheer him on while he shoots for that last basket, oh, but wait, then I could see how that could take a while, H wants to make one more, then J wants to make 5, then H..., then J..., then H, then...

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