Friday, April 3, 2009

Square Dance

I missed Ek's square dancing today! Drama, drama. The square dance has been all the buzz around the house this week. She kept singing the song and I was so anxious to see what it was all about. I invited Emma Jean to come watch with H and L and then take them home and let me stay for the rest of Cowboy Day. Well, when I was pulling out of my carport I had a flat tire. erg. After a quick phone call to Emma Jean and J, the plan changed to Emma Jean bringing me her car and she and the little ones would miss the dance. And I did too. But gracious Mrs. Spivey gave me an instant replay, and I'm so glad she did.

I stayed for the Cowboy lunch of hogdogs, baked beans, beef jerky, corn bread, trail mix and sweet tea. Ek and I hung around a bit so she could play with her friends. It was great fun to see her play doctor's office and color in her little classroom environment. Except that the horse back riding was canceled due to all the rain we had the last couple of days, Cowboy Day was a fantastic success.

Oh and the rest of the tire story. David, the tire guy, came and picked it up for me. He put air in it and jumped in and drove off as he could hear air leaving the tire again. He put new tires on and brought it back in about 3 hours. This was all quite fascinating to H who even thanked God for the flat tire, our car and David tonight when we prayed. I am quite thankful it worked out the way it did, especially the part that we were home when the flat tire occurred!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

So great! And amazing that they got it down so well! Way to go, EK!