Friday, April 17, 2009

I tried!

I know I drive my kids crazy... but if they would give me one perfect picture, maybe I'd let them off for the rest of the trip. sigh. Here are my attempts at a picture of the 3 of them.

H, we're at the beach! Let's see a smile!!

Very nice Ek and H, where is L?

Oh, there she is.
Yoo- Hoo! EK!
Anyone? Anyone?
Aww, sweet and calm. Where is L?
Oh there she is.

Awww, sweet sisters. Where is H?

Oh there he is, waiting for his turn on the court.
Actually, everyone looking, everyone smiling... but not enought of them...
Aww, sweet H... L, over here!
Very good girls, H, really is that the best smile you've got?
Well, you can't say I didn't try. ha ha. Maybe next trip, I'll just try once and they'll not be bored of me calling their names. Or maybe I should just start taking video. I guess it is just my mom's heart to see all happy at the same time, and that happened alot... just not in a picture.

1 comment:

Megan Shirley said...

I have a hard enough time with 2 can't imagine getting 3 to smile! By the way, we ditched the paci last week. We talked about it for several weeks leading up to it then had a "Paci Party". We stuffed two pacis in a Buildabear lamb at the mall, had a special lunch and cake. She has the paci lamb (named "Chapel" after a girl at school) in her bed and can feel the pacis in there if she wants to. It seems as though afternoon nap has disappeared with the paci and it takes a little longer to wind down at night but she doesn't seem traumatized like she was last year when we tried. I sure do wish she would be napping when this baby arrives but oh well. It looks like you had a great time at the beach - I just love Hilton Head!