Thursday, February 19, 2009

My little Mommy

L has been showing her mothering side today. This morning H was rolling around on the floor crying, not sure now if it was a fit or an injury, nothing serious though, but she went over and hugged him- like his whole body, one arm on his shoulder and one on his knee, and kissed him. I smiled and laughed and so did H, so, of course she continued. See why I can't remember why he was crying? This afternoon we went over to play with Cat and kids a bit, she calls Maddy somewhere between "baby" and "Maddy" kinda like "Maby." L was keeping a very close what on her sippy cup for her, dispersing it when needed, but the best was just her general attention. She turns her head, like Maddy is so much smaller!, and just grins and talks to her, so sweet. Also this afternoon when we got into the car to go pick up Ek, H was already in the car and she blew him a kiss as I was putting her in her seat, he liked that. This evening at the counter for dinner her cabbage patch kid, Brennan was lying on the counter and L kept feeding her bites of her roll. That cracked me up. What a thoughtful girl. She is quite the nurturer.

I just have to add, this was from the next day when she was feeding her lunch to H's dinosaur, for some reason she crouches her shoulders down like that when she is in her nurturing mode.

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