Thursday, February 25, 2010

After bday

What a wondeful day it was. After physical therapy for my tired cartlidge in my knee, my children were safe and sound at school and with our sweet babysitter/bride to be, I was off to the coffee shop for an early coffee and salad lunch complete with lots of laughter, concerned conversation, plenty of stories of our children and presents. It was so delightful. I lost track of time and didn't even worry about it. I am so thankful for my friends who know me so well. Then I was off to gather all the kids back. We skipped homework and spent the afternoon snuggling and playing. We were then off to our usual dinner but it was anything but ususal. Balloons, pink cupcakes with pink sprinkles, a butterfly cake and even a hot pink sash that said "Birthday Princess." and a lot of friends. It was a bit overwhelming. I had to keep telling myself to settle into the love and attention. It is definately not what I am used to. Last week at the mall, Ek and I saw the sash and she just knew I wanted it, so she asked Christy to go get it for me. She was so excited for me to have it. She came over and said, "you wanted it didn't you mommy?" I told her I just loved it, "but you really wanted it, right?" What an amazing girl to make sure I had just what I wanted. She also made me a wallet at school and wrapped it when she got home. H drew me a picture of me and J that he wrapped and took to dinner as well. Did I mention they sang 'happy birthday?' They did. I know the Lord longs for us to know love. It is not always easy to receive. I am really thankful that He saw to it to give me a whole week of birthday love. Between the birthday dinner with mom and dad, and j's family, picking out my new gifts with J, all the phone calls and emails and my birthday meals, and my sweet kids, it was a great day.

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