Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ek, here's my Lamb

I have to share a sweet thing the sisters have going in my house. Since L has been big enough to come downstairs on her own, usually Duck, Lamb and Puppy accompany her. She is quite the sight with her paci in her sweet little mouth, a bundle of lovies in her arms, and looking down low as she is still a bit tired when she arrives to find me. I miss terribly going to get her out of her bed, but she, like her siblings, is still usually pretty snuggly and we find a place to rock for a minute. For the last several weeks or so, a strange thing has been happening. As soon as Ek graces the scene, L has decided that Ek would be comforted by holding her Lamb. Funny enough, Ek takes it and hugs on it a minute. Something about that is quite sweet to me-- first that L would offer and second that Ek would accept. Even today when Ek got in the car after school, L offered it to her. Now at bedtime, its L's. But then Ek has her puppy in her bed. I know this is a bit of a ramble, but I pray these two will be generous to each other always, especially with their most special things. how sweet.

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