Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal!

Boy did I wish I had my camera tonight. H had his 3rd out of 4 games in a row this week and it was a great one. The other team only had 3 players to show up and it was as brutal as it sounds. We had 6, so we had 2 teams to their one. H played with his 2 best friends W and J. I realize that they are only 4 and 5 year olds, but, man they played great. And I realize that they really were only playing against one little boy because the other 2 were not really into it, but really it was a blast to watch our boys run and play. H, J and W have really improved in not just kicking the ball down the field but they can actually take the ball away, dribble it down the field and score goals. Tonight the 3 daddies/coaches were trying to help them understand passing. And do you know what? Their coaching was quite effective. At one point, J took the ball from the other team, kicked it up field about 10 yards to H who dribbled 2 times, passed it up field to W who dribbled several times and scored the goal. Wow. H told me later, while dribbling a basketball and waiting for his turn in the shower, that was his favorite part. Another moment I loved was watching the 3 of them while watching the other half play, sitting on the sideline with their little hoddies covering their heads with their red jerseys on top, just enjoying the game. Way to go guys!

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