Saturday, June 6, 2009

A blast of a day!

We had a great day today celebrating Will's birthday. Over the last year, Will has grown up so much! He is gaining such confidence in who God has made him and is discovering so many talents in his little person. We are just so happy to know him! Ben and family and mom and dad were here so I thought it was the perfect time to have a pool party for Will. I got a cake, some presents and we called it a party! The cake was so fun, it had 5 little heads popping out of little floats on a swimming pool cake, don't worry-- a picture will follow soon. The little floating kids coordinated with our kids so they all got to eat themselves, it was a blast. We played outside for like 2 hours this morning, including plenty of time to ride scooters and play ball and push baby dolls in strollers, then several hours at the pool and then this evening was full of sprinklers and the baby pool, which is now covered in duct tape. I saw so many smiles today, I almost couldn't take it all in! We had 3 neighbor families stop by to play also while we were out this evening, we had a quite a busy driveway, at the peak there were 10 kids. It was just an awesome day! I took a brief pause from the family fun to do some Lord's work- we start Backyard Bible Club tomorrow!! deep breath. I am ready to see what God will do.

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