Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend recap

We had a very busy, very full weekend. It all began with J's day off on Friday. I went with Ek on her field trip to the Big Wheels show where various community helpers bring their big wheels to show to the kids, fire trucks, ambulance, police cars, medical helicopter and a little train. It was really great fun. Ek was afraid of the dressed up fire dog, sensing this, a fireman gave her a fireman's hat and a ball. H was too terrified to enjoy and of the vehicles because of the same fire dog, see below post. sigh. It was quite exciting to see the helicopter land while we were there. Upon landing Ek and her friend Leah wanted to roll down the hill to it, the only 2 children of over a 100 that I saw make this choice, it made me smile, oh to be little and free. We then played on the playground a bit with her friend Emerson before lunch at Brian's subs and then off to Athens.

We took my almost bike of Rhonda's to the bike shop upon arrival to Athens so see if it would fit me, and it does! I am quite excited over the provison of God of a new to me, used, really cool and pretty tri bike. I can't wait to get out on it! Mom and Dad met us there and ek and h had great fun riding bikes around the shop. Ek has been pretending she is in a race so much since J's race, I am so hopeful we are inspiring our kids to live healthy and strong.

Saturday morning we got to visit with Megan Shirley and her kids. We walked to Hodgson's for ice cream. We had a bit larger crowd than the last time Megan and I walked to 5 points together!! We both couldn't get over how much we had grown, but even more importantly how much we had grown closer to the Lord in our willingness to call Him Lord over our lives. Megan and Rhett are trusting God with their lives to be missionaries and I am so excited for them. As J said to her, there is no safer place to be than in the middle of God's will.

J and I tried hard to cheer the Dawgs on to victory in a blacked out stadium over Alabama. Tough defeat though. Thankfully, its just a hobby, not our lives and something that is usually quite fun to do together. I still had great fun with J though between our morning jog to see the ESPN gameday crowd and the game that night. So nice to have such a wonderful guy to share life with!

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