Saturday, September 27, 2008


This week I have been thinking about Fear. I have seen some fear in H especially this week. Ek and H are both afraid of dogs. Yet they love to talk about dogs. Whenever we arrive at a new house, their first question is 'do they have a dog?' We have several friends that have labs and if we are at their house a good bit, they start to get comfortable again with the boundaries of the fence. It is obvious to me where this fear comes from. Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy. Fear steals our joy and peace. Whereas some joy is righteous, Fear God. And I do think we should fear lions, rattlesnakes, etc. But it does make me quite sad when they are scared of sweet Jeb, John and Susanne's lab. Despite our telling them and showing them Jeb is a friend dog, they just can't handle it. Satan is stealing some joy at being at our friends, not to mention the joy of being in their yard, playing on their patio, their grass, riding bikes around the old pool and swinging. sigh. Even now H just walked in the room from outside with Pops, 'daddy, we saw a dog and i didn't like it.' Lord, where is the fear in my heart, what is it keeping me from? Reveal it, heal it, make me whole.

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