Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Have you ever tried...?

Have you ever tried to take pictures and blow bubbles at the same time? I have... and its not easy. Yesterday it wasn't 110% humidity and 100 degrees so the kids wanted to play outside. Ek is delaying practicing riding her bike without training wheels one more day and is looking for something to play with- ahhh bubbles! I'm not sure what it is about bubbles that is so much fun, maybe it is the brevity of the life of a bubble that is so hypnotising. You blow, you see, you pop, there gone. I guess childhood is a lot the same way, or is it just life in general? The Bible tells us life is like a vapor, we are like the grass- here today and swept away tomorrow. So here again, my reason for this blog, to remember those brief moments that get swept away on a breeze like a bubble. I wasn't thinking quite so deeply while blowing bubbles yesterday afternoon though, we had great fun. Ek's hands were also green with sidewalk chalk and she was trying to wash her hands with the bubbles, not very effective.

It was much easier to take the picture
when they made their own bubbles!

See what I mean, way too hard to get the bubbles!

I guess I'll just need to write about it!

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