Thursday, September 18, 2008


This morning, I woke up at 7:21... as L would say, "uh-oh." H was asleep beside me and Ek and L were still sleeping. My mind started spinning, all that I needed to do before we walked out the door in 34 minutes. I got dressed and moved to the kitchen. Normally I get the clothes out the night before, shoes out, begin making Ek's lunch, make sure backpacks are in the car... I prepare as much as possible. Not last night, sigh. But thankfully I had a nice tall pile of clean clothes to pull from and deceided Ek could eat lunch at school. ANd just then--- John walked in the door from Bible study, ahhh, now I was fine. He got the kids dressed, I fed them, we walked out the door on time. If only I had been prepared, I would not have even had to fret.

Tomorrow John is participating in his first Triathalon. I am so excited! He has been preparing for months, we have been talking about it for almost 2 years. Our interest was first peaked in Florida around the true Ironman, Dr. Gills. Then we talked to our friends Tim and Tara in Arizona several years ago and thought, ya know that sounds like fun. Having a big goal. Working towards it. Staying healthy and fit. As we have kicked into higher gear lately though, I have really had to check myself to make sure I wasn't putting this above the higher priorities, my relationship with God, my relationship with John and the kids. I find myself really searching my heart to find out why I care about trying to train for a triathlon. And I do think we have it in the right perspective. We want to be healthy and strong to live the life God has called us to. We want to take good care of the temple God has made us to be. So John has prepared himself as much as he could and I am preparing all of us to go watch... stroller, snacks, drinks, changes of clothes, camera, video camera, etc, etc. But we are excited and can't wait to cheer him on!

I can't help but to think Biblicaly about preparation too. Reading in Jonah this last week, I want to be prepared for when God makes a call on my life, that I know His character and not run in disobedience in the opposite direction and end up in a whale! And I want to be prepared for Heaven, I want to know some songs to sing with the angels when I arrive. Not that our songs on earth compare, but I do just want to know God here and be ready to see Him there. O Lord, help me know You in Your Word!


Kim said...

I'm so glad!! Welcome! I love hearing about the kids, about John, about Jonah and about our life being like bubbles that blow and pop. And your kids will be so blessed by it. I already can taste the fruit of it from mine...esp. as Cassie leaves in 11 months! Love you...

Kim said...

Hey Mrs Williams, i love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love Brennan
(tell the kids i said hi!!!!!!!!!!)