Saturday, September 20, 2008

He did it!

I am so proud of John. He set a goal and made a huge step toward it today! He finished the Vidialia Onion Tri today in second place in the First Time division. He said the swim was quite hard, but he deceided 1/3 of the way in that he could do it, just to take his time, breathe and swim. The bike was great and the run was good. We got to cheer him on at various points which the kids loved, well except L-- she did not like him running by and not stopping, she would cry out for him. Oh but listen to how it began... just before the race starts and the rules were given, a lady got the mic, I'm not sure quite what her role in everything was, but she just chose to exalt God with her moment and I'm so glad she did. She reminded us that God created us and put us here on earth with a task to do, and then Jesus came that we would have abundant life. She said we cannot have abundant life if we are not healthy and whereas I agree, I also disagree. My sweet friend Kathy Bailey who is fighting with everything she has against Adrenal Cancer that has invaded her is living abundantly with less than perfect health, and we continue to ask God to heal her, knowing full well she will be healed. But this lady really confirmed again through God that pursuing good health through participating in triathlons is great. She encouraged us to get more people involved and I love that too. What a great way to start the morning. Plus the kids and I had such fun encouraging John and the other participants, praying for John and supporting him in his goal. It was just a fun day. Also Grady and Emma Jean came and we all enjoyed having them there.

We also got to have lunch with Christi and Paul Thompson and their 3 girls, such fun. The are a great family and it is so nice to know better what their life is like.

And did I mention John took me fabric shopping? What a great guy! I now have some great projects to get started on! But not now, its halftime!

1 comment:

Kim said...

John!! We're so proud of you! Way to go! Second? On your first try? You've set a high bar. Know that we are all cheering you on as you run. I still picture your arm band and am so grateful that while you run, the Word of God bears fruit in you and will never return void.

AND you took her shopping for fabric?? That's a good husband! Lots of love from Texas...

PS...How 'bout them dogs! (Though they gave us some anxious moments in the game!)