Last night we had dinner with our neighbors, Tara and Mike and their kids at their house. We had such a nice time, the kids love to play, we love to talk, we ate great food. When we got home John said he was disappointed in the conversation, thought it could have been more encouraging, uplifting, etc. I just kind of shrugged him off. ... that is until this morning when the Lord convicted me. No need for details, I just knew I had emphasized the wrong things in several instances. I confessed before the Lord, before John and knew I needed to call Tara. It was that urgency that the anticipation of the conversation consumes your thoughts. And then I deceided to go for a run, not a jog, a run! I didn't even take the ipod, just knew I needed to pray. We low and beyold, Tara was out letting the dog 'go.' Hallelujah! Our God is gracious, I hollered her name, scared her of course, it was dark afterall. I confessed, appologized, showed how I wanted to repent and let her go back to her morning. And then the battle of the mind, to accept forgivness from God. To know I was in freedom of condemnation. I finished my run, went inside praising God that he let me relieve that conversation so early and get to my kids and responsibilities. While telling John, guess what he was reading. Galatians
5:1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another. Ahhh to live in the Spirit. It is a battle to accept truth and not live in condemnation, but that is the freedom that Christ has brought. And I am so thankful! Not that I won't make the same mistakes, but I will continue to seek my Lord.
Also today: Ek had a huge day... line leader at school, rode her bike without training wheels all the way down the driveway, and learned to do a back flip through the rings on the playground. Won't she sleep great tonight!
And Rhonda Walker is letting me try her tri bike!! Oh the provision of God.
L's black eye is improving.
Henry, oh Henry. Today on the way home from school I said, "henry, do you know what I am praying for you?", what mommy? "that you would be a big boy and not need your paci anymore." oh. mommy when I get home, i need to wash my hands... i'll keep praying.