Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A monster prize

We had some huge excitement at our house last week. H got to bring home a huge prize- monster size actually. Everyday at school, when they behave well and do not have their 'clip' moved or have to stand on the fence at recess, they get a sticker on a their chart. After about 25 stickers and their chart is full, they get a prize. Twenty-five days of good is no easy task for a 4 year old. I guess he does have the advantage over some of his classmates that he only has to be good until noon. hahaha His major offenses these days are not sitting still on the carpet, running in the classroom and talking at the table. In other words, he is doing amazing at school and I am so proud of him. So back to the prize. His teacher told me that most of the girls want Barbies and the boys want monster trucks. H was so proud to bring with him last Monday his 'peanut engine' truck, which translates to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle monster truck. He drove him around his carseat all the way home, introduced him to another one of his monster trucks and then fed him some lunch, a great introduction to his sweet life.

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