Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Watch week! Horray!

I love watch week at dance. I love to see into my kids worlds! The girls have been having a blast at dance lately. Ek has 5 recital dances and has been practicing them at home, it was so fun to see it with her class. Her teachers are teaching them so much and seem to really have a vision for where they are taking them. Ek seems very happy about what she is learning. Interestingly her favorite class is the class they are pushed the hardest in because it is for the girls that are considering trying out for the competing company. She seems to have really nice girls in her class, and was asking to play with several after class. Fun, fun, fun. Ek has on the bright pink top and light pink shorts...

L was a hoot in her class. She was perfectly happy as long as I was less than one foot away. H was the official photographer in between games on the ipod. (I tell you, that boy was a trooper to watch 2 1/2 hours of dance last week!) L's class was amazing! Who knew 3 year old ballet could be so fun!! The danced with scarves, umbrellas, pretend babies and danced on a pretend beach. L said they do the baby song every week. Her recital song is Barry Manilow's "Can't smile without you." fabulous. She did the her recital dance quite well actually but did interject a few extra twirls (and if you had on her skirt, you would have too!!). I was bubbling over with joy to see her having so much fun dancing.

I can't help but think of what Mom's said when we were in Orlando (oh that should be tomorrow's post!!), she said she hopes that the girls would have great confidence and joy to not only dance in dance class but also to have confidence to lift their hands in freedom before the Lord. Amen, Mom.

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