Sunday, March 20, 2011

Finishing the race

I love the Road Race on Super Saturday here. J ran it our first year here, he ran the 5k. Dad came and mom was on Walk to Emmaus. L was in my belly. It was so terribly windy and cold. H and Ek were all bundled up in blankets in the stroller and were quite confused and a bit annoyed at the whole thing, it was cold. We hid behind Belk's to try to block some wind. Fast forward 4 years.
I picked up 7 race packets on Friday. 5 fun run entries and 2 10ks. 7 orange t-shirts. I don't think I have ever had an orange t-shirt in my life. I can pretty much guarantee J never has. We all 7 made the trip around the mall. Ek ran until her sweet face turned a beautiful pink but never once whined or asked to stop, I think every year she likes very much to run past all the older boys who sprint and stop, and we just cruise on by. We finished in 10:01. Wow! H and J finished about :30 later, no stopping either! Wow! L never stopped nor started. She was a bit intimidated and rode the whole way in either arms or shoulders. Precious thing. She was in very good company. J and I quickly made our way to the next start line and were very quickly off to the 10k. The weather was a warm 50+ with bright sunshine. We were very pleased with our times of 44 and change and I was just under 51. We think our whole running group set PRs in heart rates. The course had a turn around and I was so happy to see all of his running group staying so strong, oh and SP in the middle, I mean at the front of them. J said he was a bit light headed crossing the finish line and I am so sore today I could barely walk. And yet, still worth it. There is nothing quite like accomplishing a goal with people you love. And even though we all finished at different times, it all felt like we had crossed together. I think that is totally what Heaven will feel like. Without the soreness.

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