Saturday, March 12, 2011

No more pacis!!!

I'll never forget the day that L was a tiny little thing and I realized that "ba" was "paci" in her baby babble. I was so delighted to know what in the world she wanted! I wasn't too anxious to get rid of it, I wanted to~ but I didn't. After all it, kept her quiet in the car and, gracious, she is in the car a lot! But it was time. We talked about it a lot, she wanted to get rid of it, but she didn't. So I was praying and waiting for just the right time. Here's how it went down. I don't think I can write a "How to get rid of a paci book" from my experiences. We put her to bed and she didn't yet realize there was not one in bed with her. I went to take a bath, rare, very rare for me to take a night bath. J got a call from on of our friends that he had been hit in the face with a crock pot and thought he needed stitches. Moments later, L appears in the bathroom. She realized the paci void in her bed. I told her the last place I had seen it was in the car. She looked, couldn't find it. I told her I would look. Couldn't find one. So there you have it. No more pacis! I then told the kids I'd pay them $5 for any paci found without L seeing it. She has done really great, she is over it now. Not napping too well. Sleeping great. She seems much more peaceful without it around the house. J and I confess sometimes we still wish she had it in the car. haha Sometimes in the car though she will talk and talk and tell us, and ask us, everything she can think of, that is pretty entertaining. She is a precious thing.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I had to laugh out loud at the $5 payment plan for the other children! Love it! God answers prayers!