Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First day of school!

First day of school! First day of school! First day of school!

This year, the overwhelming thoughts in my head regarding going back to school are this: Number one, I am so thankful my kids get to go to school. What an amazing gift. What an amazing blessing. Just thinking of all the kids all over the world who don't have the chance for an education at all and my kids have this amazing school where they are challenged and loved, disciplined and prayed for, where they must sit still and work and then run and play. Its amazing. I am so thankful. Number two, summer if fun, but it is not the life I long for my kids to live. It is not their potential. The are too smart and too eager to wake up and eat breakfast at 10 am on their way to the pool. I loved it and am a bit mopey when I think that its done for the year because it was so fun, we had such fun together, I'll need to write just on pool memories here soon, but back to number one, I am so glad for them to get to go to school.

So off to school. Today began very well. They were happy to get there. We ate cinnamon toast for breakfast, I packed their lunches, they got dressed, brushed their teeth and we were ready for our first day of school picture. We loaded up and headed to school. When we rounded the corner to the school Ek said her stomach was hurting. I think we were all a bit nervous. We walked Ek to her room first and after settling in, she quickly asked if we could walk H to his room. When we arrived at H's room and attached his new desk bag, newly finished that is, the tears were on the brink of making their appearance. I kept telling myself to be brave. I managed to make it out though. H was very nervous and not quite ready for me to leave, but I knew he would be fine, he had several friends there and a big fish to color. We walked Ek back to her room and she quickly and quietly settled into her seat. Neither were too happy to have their picture taken but sorry that was not an option. L and I managed to make it to the car before the tears exploded. I just felt like I had left my arms there! J said the kindest things to encourage me- he told me to rest knowing how great our summer had been and how I had invested in them all summer. The Lord blessed me with that all day. When we pulled away from the school, L was so quiet, I asked her if she was ok and she said yes. I asked her if she was sad and she said "No, (pause), mommy, why are you sad?" hahaha I told her I just liked for us all to be together, she said she did too.

After school the kids bounced into the car with huge grins. The had the best days. They were literally singing how awesome their day was. Their lunch was awesome (who knew a turkey sandwhich and a banana could taste so good!). Ek learned how to write "a" in cursive and H learned again what "i" says. H was excited to get to the 100th day of school and Ek was excited that today they got to go to computer. ahhhh school. what a gift. We had the G's over to celebrate the first day of school. Us moms celebrated the peace of the Lord and his working in our hearts to help us. Great day.

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