Wednesday, April 27, 2011


L had a very amazing day today. She was accompanied by H's best bud WG to K4 for bring a friend to school week. Wow. Could life get any better for a girl who cries several times a week for her brother and sissie when they leave her for school? She gave me the tightest squeeze and didn't consider looking back as she walked into the K building holding H's hand. Even when the teacher said, "L, say bye to mom," she was still moving too fast to look back. I got an email mid-day from our beloved Mrs. S saying that she was having a great day- all smiles and giggles, but when she got into the car, Mrs. S spelled t.i.r.e.d. And she remained that way for the rest of the day. The low point of the day was when she was trying to convince me that today was not today and that she could actually go back to school tomorrow because today was not today. She wanted today to be yesterday so tomorrow would be today and she could go again. wow, try arguing with a tired, i mean tired, 3 year old over that one. She kept saying 'but today is not today.' me in the front seat- speechless. Probably not the time to remind her of Psalm 118:24, This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it-- but next time I may try. Totally worth it though to give my sweet girl a day that she dreams of- when she is at school with her brother and sissy. And I admit, I felt so peaceful today knowing they were all there together. It will be here very soon.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh, my. The logical illogical conversations of a three year old! How well I remember them! That's the sweetest thing ever for a mama to hear though, huh? That she loved it. That she's excited about something. That she's reaching out with such confidence. That she didn't even need to turn around...she knows you're there...she knows you will be...she already knows you love her...and know you know it, too. Love these sweet glimpses of life in GA. Love you all.