Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Home on the farm

Every time we have gone to get Sam dog food, John has admired the farm animals and wanted to get "H some new animals." Well, I didn't let him. Saturday morning, J wanted to get H out and take him to pick out some new animals for his birthday. So I told H to gather all his animals that he already had so he would know what he wanted. Since then, the kids have been playing farm non-stop. For the last 2 summers, they played Little People constantly so I guess this is the summer game. They have gotten out blocks for fences and stables, Barbies for their people, and a variety of vehicles to fully support their game. The living room has been taken over. As always though, the building is the fun part so occasionally I make them take it all down so they cans start over. Mostly, the play is peaceful and full of laughs. And occasionally we must stop and separate for a while. But it is really really fun to see and hear them all playing together and hear what the latest story line is-- a fundraiser to buy a new farm or all loading up for a horse race.

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