Thursday, September 2, 2010

Two ballerinas

YAAAA HOOOO! Her day finally arrived! L got to go to dance for the first time last Thursday! She was so excited! She wanted to wear her dance clothes all day but managed to wait until afternoon, she did wear them to H's soccer game after dance though. And yes, I did put her hair in a "bun." Ahhh! So cute. The only time she got anxious was when Ek's dance teacher called for Ek to go to class and L's hadn't called for her yet- "But I want to go to dance class!!!" I said "You will, you will, your class is here and Ek's class is here!!" Then she was ok. She walked right into her class and was all smiles. I know she had a blast. H and I came home and he sat at the counter with me while they were there, he worked on his number words and I fixed supper. L's class is only 45 minutes which H thought passed pretty quickly. The girls were all smiles when I picked them up. I think they are going to have a blast there this year!

1 comment:

Min said...

Love, Love, Love, this she has grown up way to quick! But, oh how precious this is!! Love the bun too cute!!